This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Showcase Theme Preview Reloaded


Showcase Theme Preview Reloaded plugin will display all themes which are located in wp-content/themes on a page or post in a showcase gallery with theme screenshots and preview links using shortcode . Just put this shortcode [theme_showcase] in a page or post and it will display all themes with preview links. This showcase preview theme plugin is good for theme developer / designer to showcase their theme work with easy way to display and preview multiple themes. This plugin based on existing WordPress Theme Showcase Plugin ( which has not updated for long time so i make small update with small addition javascript file to put parameter to make post , page , category can be previewed too when user click in index / homepage ). For Shortcode you can exclude or include a theme based on slug . For example exclude : [theme_showcase exclude=»twentythirteen,nysu-magazine,nyeuseu-magazine»] or include [theme_showcase include=»nyeuseu-magazine,nysu-magazine»]. Beside using shortcode , you can also use Theme Preview Widget to be added in your sidebar or footer. Be sure to check out the online demo!


  • WordPress Theme Showcase Plugin , Brad Williams , GNU GPL v2 or later


May 14, 2018 1 reply
As a theme developer, I appreciate this plugin a lot. 2 things are needed to be perfect. 1. Including the activated theme to be previewed makes no sense. 2. Have a shortcode parameter to exclude (or include) which themes to be previewed. Thanks for this great plugin !
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Contributors & Developers

“Showcase Theme Preview Reloaded” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Initial Release


  • Include and Exclude theme